Frequently Asked Questions

What is your typical time to finish a website?

The time period of building a website depends on many factors. Before GoWeb99 takes your order we will give you an approximate timeline and work with you closely while developing your website. We agree to work expeditiously to complete the Web Design, but delays can occur if any milestone that requires your action, such as approving design mock-ups or web design changes or webpage content, is not acknowledged on time. However, if you have a deadline fixed we will put in an extra effort to meet your deadline and finish the website in a planned timeline.

How do I see my website during the built-up phase?

After understanding your requirements and based on our initial discussions our first step is to send you a design (color combination and page layout) for approval. In our second step we upload the site layout on our test servers for you to view it online like a normal site. You will be regularly consulted and updated about the progress of your site.

I wish to have total control of my website to update content or I want a Content Management System (CMS)?

We will provide you with all required information to manage your website. Our easy to use CMS does not require you to possess any web development skills. Though, the self update of your website depends on the amount of content and technical complexity. We will guide and advise you which method will be suitable.

What does ‘Website Maintenance’ or ‘Website Updates’ mean?

Website Maintenance or Website Updates refers to changes made to your website after it is live on your domain. Keeping a website up-to-date is essential in having repeat visitors to your site. Updating the site with rates, articles, new products, pictures, press releases and links are all examples of website Maintenance.

Will my website be search engine friendly?

We develop search engine friendly websites and this is an integral part of our services. Search Engine is an independent and advanced level service which we offer at an additional cost. We have a Web Marketing Service (Search Engine Optimization) for $600 for 3 months to help you list in Major Search Engines. For more details, please discuss with your account manager.

Have you built a site like mine before?

Generally the business does not matter neither the content of a site affect the methods, procedures and codes used to build it. Some sites may require advanced functions to perform special operations. It would be unlikely that we had not had experience with your required web site functions. We have worked with a wide range of clientele, as evident from our portfolio.

Can I call any of your clients for a testimonial?

Sure that is why we have them there; we encourage you to ask them about our services and their experience with us. You can take a look at our Testimonials page for just a few references.

I live in California and you are in India, how can we work with you? Should I not look for a local Company?

You don’t need to meet personally to convey your ideas; we have the expertise in this field to understand your requirements. Actually on the web or internet the distance does not matter. We have clients in all parts of the world. Everything that you need to inspect is put up on the web as it’s worked on, and materials and communications move quickly by Emails, phone calls and Skype on an instant basis.

Apart from the huge savings in cost there are many other advantages of doing business with our company, for example due to the time difference we get many extra hours to complete your work than your local company. By the time you wake up in the next morning and check your website most of the updates will be completed.

I want a website portal like eBay/MySpace/Facebook/…etc. Can you do this?

Yes we can, these types of websites require complex web development and will be quoted individually. Costs can exceed $9,999 for this type of work.

Apart from the huge savings in cost there are many other advantages of doing business with our company, for example due to the time difference we get many extra hours to complete your work than your local company. By the time you wake up in the next morning and check your website most of the updates will be completed.